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Course image Engaging Clients Who Use Substances
Addiction and Mental Health

This course is intended to support nurses and health care professionals to support clients experiencing a substance use disorder. It will broaden your understanding of the factors that affect clients experiencing substance use disorders.

Course image Nursing towards equity
Addiction and Mental Health
This free course is intended to support nurses and health care professionals to expand their knowledge and skills in applying the social determinants of health and health inequities in your work. This free, 1 hr course will provide an overview on how to screen and intervene with people at risk for poverty, integrate social determinants theory into organizational practices and learn ways to apply health equity concepts into advocacy and political action to create change.

Course image Integrating tobacco interventions into daily practice
Addiction and Mental Health
This free course will provide nurses and other health-care providers with the foundational knowledge to start engaging with their clients who use tobacco to help them quit, reduce or manage their withdrawal symptoms. This e-learning is the foundational module for tobacco interventions.
Course image Tobacco use and cessation with youth and young adults
Addiction and Mental Health
This free course discusses key concepts regarding tobacco use by youth and young adults, such as prevalence rates, motivations for tobacco use and cessation, and specific tobacco interventions for this population. Additionally, this e-learning will provide you with the foundational information needed to design and execute tobacco cessation programming that effectively engages youth and young adults.
Course image *New* Blended Learning Series (Best Practice Champions)
Best Practice Champions Network

Now open for enrollment.

  • Consists of four parts: two e-modules and two interactive virtual live sessions.
  • NEW and updated content designed to empower champions and build capacity as a change agent.
  • You can complete the Blended Learning Series parts at your own pace, in sequential order. Live sessions are offered monthly.


Course image Elearn Course (Best Practice Champions)
Best Practice Champions Network

Through completing this course, nurses and other health-care providers will gain confidence and know-how in selecting and using best practice guidelines to support and sustain best practices in their workplace.

By completing this course, you will meet the requirements to become an RNAO Best Practice Champion.

Course image Cours d’apprentissage électronique des champions des pratiques exemplaires de la RNAO
Best Practice Champions Network

En suivant ce cours, les infirmières et les autres fournisseurs de soins de santé pourront acquérir de la confiance et du savoir-faire en matière de sélection et d’utilisation de lignes directrices sur les pratiques exemplaires pour appuyer et maintenir les pratiques exemplaires au travail. 

Ce cours vous permettra de satisfaire aux exigences requises pour devenir championne (ou champion) des pratiques exemplaires de la RNAO.

Course image Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults
Older Adults

This five module course is designed to enhance your knowledge and abilities as you assess and care for older adults with delirium, dementia and/or depression (the “3Ds”).

Each module will take you through the most up-to-date evidence on the 3Ds and finish with a case study and quiz helping you apply what you’ve learned. At the end of each module, you’ll find downloadable PDFs, self reflections/discussion guides and other resources that will enhance your learning.

After completing all the modules in this course you will be able to:

  • Differentiate between delirium, dementia and depression (3Ds)
  • Identify how the three conditions overlap and are interrelated
  • Take a person and family-centred care approach to caring for older adults with the 3Ds
  • Explore a range of interventions uniquely suited to each individual’s condition, preferences, needs and abilities
  • Identify ways to support a person's health, safety and quality of life when they have one or more of the 3Ds
Course image Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults English
Older Adults

This e-learning course includes four modules, various learning activities (e.g. resources and reflection activities) a Knowledge Check and Supplementary Resources. Module 1, Understanding Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults, is designed to educate everyone involved in the delivery of care to older adults. Modules 2, Working with Older Adults and Their Families, Module 3, Identifying and Responding to Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults, and Module 4, Addressing Challenges Involved in Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults are designed for nurses, other health-care providers and their supervisors. The e-learning can be used in many ways:

  • Independent learning/self study
  • Learning together in small groups (e.g. with your colleagues)
  • Integrated into educational programs-in small segments or as a full program (e.g. for students, staff orientation, refresher courses, inservices, professional development)
  • In combination with in-person education programs

Course image Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults French
Older Adults

This e-learning course includes four modules, various learning activities (e.g. resources and reflection activities) a Knowledge Check and Supplementary Resources. Module 1, Understanding Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults, is designed to educate everyone involved in the delivery of care to older adults. Modules 2, Working with Older Adults and Their Families, Module 3, Identifying and Responding to Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults, and Module 4, Addressing Challenges Involved in Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults are designed for nurses, other health-care providers and their supervisors. The e-learning can be used in many ways:

  • Independent learning/self study
  • Learning together in small groups (e.g. with your colleagues)
  • Integrated into educational programs-in small segments or as a full program (e.g. for students, staff orientation, refresher courses, inservices, professional development)
  • In combination with in-person education programs

Course image Breastfeeding e-Learning
Women and Children
This e-learn has been created as a means to assist nurses, other health-care professionals and organizations to access education that is appropriate to their role in promoting breastfeeding. 

As such, it aims to develop the knowledge, skills and attitude required to implement internationally recognized best practices in breastfeeding to create a baby-friendly environment.

Course image L’initiative Jeunes champions en matière de la santé mentale et des dépendances
L’initiative JCSMD

La santé mentale, la maladie mentale et les dépendances chez les jeunes constituent un problème important. Il y a toutefois une bonne nouvelle : les interventions faisant appel aux pairs, comme l’initiative Jeunes champions en matière de la santé mentale et des dépendances (JCSMD) de l’Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (AIIO) contribuent à le combattre.

Course image Leadership and Management for Nurses Program
Special Programs

The Leadership and Management for Nurses Program is a powerful forum for nurses to: interact with their leadership peers and experienced health-care leaders; renew collegial partnerships, craft new networks and build and enhance nurse leader-manager knowledge and skills.

Access to this course was through a competitive application process. Successful applicants were granted enrollment by invitation. At this time, RNAO is not offering this course so it is not available for new participants.